Jenny wants to improve brand sentiment. According to LinkedIn, which leading metrics should she consider? Select all that apply.

Q: Jenny wants to improve brand sentiment. According to LinkedIn, which leading metrics should she consider? Select all that apply.


Q: Jenny’s goal is to elevate brand perception. Which of the main metrics should she take into account, according to LinkedIn? Choose every option that pertains.

  • Video views
  • Frequency
  • Social engagements (likes, shares, comments)
  • Reach
  • Clicks


While video views and frequency are important metrics for assessing the reach and visibility of a brand’s content, they may not directly reflect the emotional connection that audiences have with the brand. While these metrics indicate the consumption of material and the level of visibility, they may only indirectly influence sentiment.

Instead, Jenny should prioritize metrics such as social interactions, reach, and clicks when evaluating the sentiment of her brand on LinkedIn. Social interactions, such as likes, comments, and shares, provide valuable insights into how audiences are engaging with the content and the level of interest it generates. A high number of social interactions indicates that the content is resonating with the audience and evoking a positive response.

Additionally, reach measures the total number of people who have been exposed to the brand’s content. A broad reach indicates that the brand’s message is reaching a large audience, increasing the potential for positive sentiment among LinkedIn users.

Clicks are another important indicator of audience engagement, as they demonstrate active interest and intent to learn more about the brand. A high click-through rate suggests that the content is compelling and relevant to the audience, which can contribute to positive sentiment.

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