Laila is creating a Lead Gen Form with a mix of custom questions that are multiple choice and open text. Does this align with LinkedIn’s best practices?

Q: Laila is creating a Lead Gen Form with a mix of custom questions that are multiple choice and open text. Does this align with LinkedIn’s best practices?


Q: Laila is putting together a lead generation form that combines open-ended and multiple-choice unique questions. Does this follow the recommended procedures on LinkedIn?

  • No, LinkedIn recommends keeping custom questions to a minimum and using multiple choice to make it easier to complete the Form
  • Yes, LinkedIn recommends having a mix of question type to customize the Lead Gen Form


To streamline the form-filling process and enhance user experience, it’s advisable to limit the number of personalized questions and opt for multiple-choice questions over open-ended ones. Multiple-choice questions are generally preferred by users because they are simpler and quicker to answer, resulting in higher response rates and increased engagement.

Here are some reasons why multiple-choice questions are advantageous:

  1. Simplicity: Multiple-choice questions present users with a set of predefined options to choose from, eliminating the need for them to come up with their own responses. This simplicity reduces cognitive load and makes it easier for users to complete the form quickly.
  2. Efficiency: Since users can select their answers from a list of options, multiple-choice questions require less time and effort to complete compared to open-ended questions, which require users to type out their responses. This efficiency encourages higher participation rates and reduces the likelihood of form abandonment.
  3. Standardization: By providing a set of predetermined answer choices, multiple-choice questions ensure consistency in responses, making it easier to analyze and interpret the data collected from the form. This standardization facilitates data analysis and decision-making processes.
  4. Accuracy: Multiple-choice questions minimize the risk of ambiguity or misinterpretation since users select their answers from a predefined list of options. This helps ensure the accuracy and reliability of the data collected through the form.

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